Monday, January 12, 2009

What am I doing?!

This week there is a celebration of winter and all its glory at my school. It mainly consists of early morning calisthenics before the sun even rises at 6am until 7:30am. If that is not bad enough, the week culminates with a polar bear/naked run which spans the entire campus. I think I will just be running in my underwear this year with a few friends and gradually work my way up to complete and utter nudity.

I think this will probably be categorized as not slightly deranged anymore, but actually slightly insane. By the end of today, I will have been up for at least 17-18 hours straight, with maybe a few naps in between classes. I started my day with a bit of stretching, bhangra dancing, and yoga, and it will end in a bang outside on the freezing ice rink for hockey practice. Maybe those thick goalie pads and gloves will actually come in handy! I might not freeze as badly!

Yoga was extraordinarily painful this morning as my muscles were still protesting from this weekend (hockey tournament and lots and lots of drinking). It's not really the drinking that affected me as much as being completely out of shape!

So why do I do this to myself? All the upperclassmen said to stay busy during winter quarter as it is the one quarter that seems to drag on the longest with the arctic temperatures when wind chill is factored in. I may have taken their meaning of "busy" the wrong way in that I'll be spending time outside skating and playing the cold. The cold really does bite through my jeans most of the time. I'm used to balmy and mild winters down south.

Time for a nap! Why there are couches in the library is beyond me. It encourages people to live in the library...But hey, at least I can get a comfortable nap and not be slumped over a desk then end up with an ugly red squash mark on my face from sleeping on a book!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Who am I?

Anonymous blogging will be so much more conducive for the massive jumble of thoughts, ideas, and opinions that clutter my mind at all times. This way, I will be able to mention names and put my thoughts down somewhere where anonymity will protect me, hopefully. Seeing how I lack tact, this will be the best way.

What will I blog about? Anything. When I say anything, I mean it. The content of this blog may run the gamut from politics to observances to silly ideas of things that I have done or just ideas. You may notice when I'm having a particularly bad day (or merely at the mercy of the female hormones) where I will rip on the subject of a blog. I'm trying to be more optimistic, but at heart, I think I will always be a somewhat cynical bitch.

Will I care if not many people, if any, read this? Nope. Though preferably, people will eventually find there way here. How that will be achieved, I don't know, but hopefully it will happen sooner or later, preferably the former. People who have read my other blog think it's funny, but I'm not going ot slap that label on myself because most of the time, I think I'm just being cynical.

This will be the one and only welcome to this blog.